About Us

Facts Center for Journalism Services is a non-profit platform.

Facts Center for Journalism Services is a non-profit platform born out of necessity and based on the experiences of journalists, academics, researchers and businessmen and women in Sudan. In a country where the lack of access to accurate information continues to have a significantly detrimental impact on the quality of journalism, public service provision, private sector performance, and international development projects, the need for a consolidated, reliable, and easily accessible source of information is paramount.


Accurate Accessible Information for Sudan


Sudan Facts aims to fill the gap of publicly available knowledge, by revolutionizing the media landscape in Sudan through creation of a robust journalistic network, with intent to empower Sudanese citizens, enterprises, government institutions, and international actors & investors with evidence-based information to make more informed actions across many sectors in Sudan.

Our Goals

> Promoting good policy making
> Opening access to information
> Building Investigative Journalist capacity
> Empowering citizens
> Accurate information and data collection
> Building journalists’ networks

Sudan Facts Center for Journalism Services

is a non- profit organization to hold the powerful accountable through investigative journalism.

Sudan Facts is a hub

for journalists where they can find the advanced investigative tools, training, seminars, workshops, data journalism, storytelling and more.

Sudan Facts provide

depth investigative reports on different issues such as education, health, energy, banking, politics, economic, conflicts, corruption, cross boarder issues and social issues.

The Team Behind Sudan Facts

Arif Elsaui
Co-Founder and Director
Arif Elsaui, brings an impressive array of journalistic experience to SudanFacts, from on-the-ground experience covering contentious political issues within the context of a repressive media environment in Sudan.

Our Projects & Programs

Sudan Facts provide depth investigative reports on different issues such as education, health, energy, banking, politics, economic, conflicts, corruption, cross boarder issues and social issues.

About Us

A social enterprise that provides accurate and accessible information about the Republic of Sudan across various sectors through rigorous information collection and analysis

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